Staking Rewards

3 Levels of Staking

Regular Staking:

This is the best option, if you want to have access to your CheemsX token all the time.

Staking has no lockup period.

User can unstake anytime.

Earns Boosted CheemsX rewards


If you hold CheemsX token in your wallet, depending on volume, you will get some reflections back to your wallet. But if you stake, your rewards will be always higher than the base reflection. This extra rewards comes from our innovative LPDriver Contract which hold 20% token locked inside that collects reflections like regular wallet.

Because LPDriver is the biggest holder, it always gets more reflection than any other regular wallets. Unlike selling those token by insiders as in may other projects, our protocol gives those LPDriver reflections back to our community and token holder who wants some extra rewards by staking.

Typical Case Scenario:

Unstaked: 100,000,000 token: With 10K daily volumes, with 500 holders, you can expect on average ~5,000 token daily. But if the volume is good like 100K daily, you can get 10,000 token daily, that is about 0.01% daily.

Staking: 100,000,000 token: With 10K daily volumes, with 500 holders, you can expect on average ~10,000 token daily. But if the volume is good like 100K daily volume, you can get 50,000 token daily, that is about 0.05% daily.

Reward Calculation: Sustainability is one of the top priority of CheemsX ecosystem. Yet we want to give our community the maximum benefit of holding our token as staking rewards. We use a complex sets of parameters that determined the APY that includes:

  1. Reward Poll Size [Example: 1,000,000,000]

  2. Distribution Period [Example 7 days]

  3. Boost Factor for the Method of Stacking [X factors]

  4. Percentage of total coin currently stacked [p]

  5. Rewards Divisor [div]


Daily Rewards =(Reward Pool Size / Distribution Period) x (Token percentage staked in the category)/100) x (Boost factor/Rewards Divisor)

Interpretation of the Equation:

Bigger the Rewards pool size, bigger the rewards in each class of staking.

Shorted the distribution size, the bigger the rewards.

Higher amount staked in a particular class of staking, more rewards pool will be allocated that class to minimize reward drop for that class

Higher the boost factor for the class of staking (Node>Locking>Staking), more rewards to that pool.

Smaller the rewards divisor, larger the rewards for that pool (to offset token percentage allocation for the class of staking.

Example Calculation:

In addition those 5 factors above, holders rewards also depends on daily volume, current tax rate, total holder counts, amount of token you hold or stake etc.

Last updated